Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today matters

John C. Maxwell

  • Assess your current progress-take stock of yourself and discover how to make your life a masterpiece every day
  • Prioritize your agenda-learn how to decide every day what's important to you and then get it done
  • Stretch your creativity and thinking-generate new ideas every day to become a more valuable employee or boss
  • Stay the course-reinforce your important commitments every day
  • Manage your money-every day, instead of letting it manage you
  • Strengthen your faith-discover the four powerful tools faith will give you, every day
  • Improve and build relationships-connect with others every day with Maxwell's easy how-to's
  • Nurture your personal growth-find out how to make yourself more valuable every day, and enjoy the payoff tomorrow.

  • The money thingy i m still having alot of inertia..

    Wat e Hell! JIA YOU!

There's a great time to begin a more successful life. It's called today.

Growth & Learning


It is always essential to grow in areas you are good at or feel you have got the talents.

It is even compelling to learn things that you are weak at and situation makes it more desirable to improve.

Despite not knowing what you are good at, you have known the many weaknesses. What goes around comes around. You have neglected your health for dozen of years. And you got the bad effect from it last year. It made you temporarily gave up a good career.

Determination has not failed you.

You were so frightened of doing even the slightest exercise. You have persisted hence after 5 months, an hour of slightly strained exercise is now deemed nothing to you. Your health has bounced back and getting better each day :)

Keep up the good work. Do NOT slag. You knew and shall remember those darkest days your health suffered.

Your white angel

Saturday, February 21, 2009

She is such a nice lady

Succumbed to hunger n the greed of having a BK Chicken burger,i headed straight to Clark Quay BK after school. 'Dash' may be a better word.

Not wanting a full meal, i ordered a BK chicken. When i was digging the coins, the counter lady gave me a pleasant surprise. She took a cup of plain water for me. I was so delighted.

Such service really comes from the heart. This little act touches me. It is not an 'out of obligation' act but can tell she is really caring.

Thank you,Mdm


Having gastric flu since two days ago.

Today has been the worst. I love myself even more now that i have again used determination to curb the pain!!

This class marks alot of rare talents or experts. They can translate anything on the spot almost perfectly.

It took me 2 days to finish 25 questions. I think i only got one perfectly correct.

Since uni i have not been vocal in class (it was such a contradiction in poly time). Today marked a courageous lesson in my life. Haaaaaaaaa... knowing my translation was not exactly good, i volunteered to answer 2 questions when the class fell silence. Despite the total correction from teacher,i felt great and patted own shoulder. The desire to improve is growing stronger. Next year by this time, i will be a better translator :)

Yes, i still think an new aged culture is to be beaten.
Why do people just want to learn things that they already knew? And then when they are able to do the exam well, they go overjoyed?
Shouldnt we work on our weakness as well?

Fly you kite once again if you say only those with strong language background are suitable for the course. Btw, Diploma is simply a warm up

;) Call me arrogant or stupid. But i m hanging there. I love languages i love grammar, i love the art of translation, i love to improve myself every day!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

sizzling iron

Iron lady is feeling 'tire' today. Fainted heart is seemed.

She needs some warmth; hugs and encouragement. But is not getting any. Because once an iron lady, forever an iron lady

then an email came:

The strongest single factor in prosperity consciousness is self-esteem: believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Present is a gift
I would have done better waking up to the alarm set this early morning.

Failing so, it meant a lost of 3 hours to complete tasks that are lining up.

Fixing things altogether was tough; laundry, cooking, clearing table, studying.

Managed to complete the grammar book after long delay. In a sense it took me 'a year' to do so. At least it is complete, likely with 80% attained.

Succumbing to laziness, workout period will be shortened to 30min slow stepper.

330pm workout
4pm rest
4-5pm read on translation
5-6pm preparing to go school
6pm set off

Requires some discipline to clear bills.

Mirror Reflections.. thank you

Interactions with a few people around me disclosed my past 'shame'.
Trapped in gossips, complaining of work and life, complaining the lack of time but somehow fast to seize oppt to complain. So end up meeting the wrong things and people

found these two websites (saw the CDs, maybe should get a copy fr libary

Being in the not-so-comfort zone, i seek to create and attract +ve energies. M tired and shameful of the past. And i open my arms to welcome more +ve people, +ve learning, +ve experiences, +ve thinking and alot of self confidence

Saturday, February 7, 2009

coffee turns cold

coffee turned cold. Another cup of coffee flows into the coffee cup. But it is getting cold.. despite efforts to keep warm.. the cup warmer faulty?

pointless to do sth when one do not feel like it.