I would have done better waking up to the alarm set this early morning.
Failing so, it meant a lost of 3 hours to complete tasks that are lining up.
Fixing things altogether was tough; laundry, cooking, clearing table, studying.
Managed to complete the grammar book after long delay. In a sense it took me 'a year' to do so. At least it is complete, likely with 80% attained.
Succumbing to laziness, workout period will be shortened to 30min slow stepper.
330pm workout
4pm rest
4-5pm read on translation
5-6pm preparing to go school
6pm set off
Requires some discipline to clear bills.
Mirror Reflections.. thank you
Interactions with a few people around me disclosed my past 'shame'.
Trapped in gossips, complaining of work and life, complaining the lack of time but somehow fast to seize oppt to complain. So end up meeting the wrong things and people
found these two websites
Being in the not-so-comfort zone, i seek to create and attract +ve energies. M tired and shameful of the past. And i open my arms to welcome more +ve people, +ve learning, +ve experiences, +ve thinking and alot of self confidence
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