Saturday, March 22, 2008

It happened again!

That few days, someone msn me to talk about his past. I guess as friend i dun mind to lend a ear n also to share some of my stories. In hope that ppl like him who ever sway know how to turn back to family. Cos i was victim myself before. N usually it worked as guys after hearing my stories then realised how upset wife can get!

But there were some parts which is not really wat i expected the topic to turn. As usual i manage to twist n turn n change topic on time.

Then was asked if want to go clubbing together. Actually i have been setting target to go down St. James all Fridays until my new work start. And this time, have this gut feel that i should go down with him to see if what i suspect is true.

Had another friend with me to go together. The situation was rather tensed cos the two men do not know each other so quite awkward. And it was too early (to avoid cover charge) the crowd was pathetic. Not to mentioned it was a PH!.

Ok, i confessed if i sounded too oversuspicous and take ppl's goodwill as sth negative? maybe cos i dun trust men anymore :P Was presented with a gift. That was shocking. I did put on my msn nick that a device was spolit n lookin for sth cheap (ya, no need brand for me de). But that does not mean i actually expect ppl to buy! Even if to accept must be fr someones i real close to (well i can name the names if request heehee). It put me off. I think it is disgusting ( apologise again if the person really have no other intention). But y give to me? there is no reason. To me har, a thing that is close to $100 is really a big gift (emphaise again i m not rich!) so y give? Sympathy? or other intention? Pls lor, better use the money to buy toys for kids!

Ya i irk the idea of married men tryin to be nice to me. No i am not desperate, please. Admit i am a REJECTED goods from marraige but as a human i still hae dignity and QC.

Going to return the money.

Not sure if this person will read the blog n curse. But i have my own thinking n feeling. N i felt insulted. IF u r the person n read this blog, pls do not reply back. U can grow anger with me. I wan to simply protect myself.

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